Shirley's Tools
I started my personal evolution in 1992 out of necessity
and very soon discovered my interest and passion
in understanding "how humans tick" and
how to master human potential.
Over time I learned to trust my intuition and I collected other transformational tools including PSYCH-K®, that lead to an efficient and result-oriented unique method.
Read about these tools below!
I started my personal evolution in 1992 out of necessity
and very soon discovered my interest and passion
in understanding "how humans tick" and
how to master human potential.
Over time I learned to trust my intuition and I collected other transformational tools including PSYCH-K®, that lead to an efficient and result-oriented unique method.
Read about these tools below!
My ongoing journey started with the exploration of bodywork techniques (e.g. Yoga, Rebirthing, Massage, Rebalancing, Biodanca…) and evolved from Meditation to working with techniques that create results on an emotional, mental and spiritual level (e.g. NLP, EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique, PSYCH-K®, Hypnosis, Ho’Oponopono, Russian Healing Techniques…).
I listed some of my favorites below, wishing you lots of insights and fun exploring them.
One of the most important ingredients
to a happy, healthy and wealthy life that I discovered is...
Everything in life is vibration and depends on the frequencies one engages in.
When I started signing my letters and emails with this signature over 25 years ago, little did I know that this motto would become a directive for my whole life.
So it is not a tool per sè, but it is the context in which I do everything in my life, always striving for the next level…
When I look at where I have started out in life and where I am today I am more than happy.
The challenges and hardships that I had to go through and the different directions that my path took over the years, have been quite a ride and for sure not always easy. On the other hand they made me who I am today and they enable me to support others in having an easier journey.
Staying focussed on the transformational field of LOVE, LIGHT and LAUGHTER, allowed me not only to make it so far, but it enriches everything I do in life, especially when working with clients.
Sometimes people ask me to describe what I do, which I still find difficult to put in words.
It all comes down to BEING vs DOING. It all comes down to being aware of the UNITY behind the separation. Funny enough we think we have to connect to this context, without realizing that we can not not be there.
After all these years, even I fall out that blissful state of consciousness sometimes, but it is getting easier and easier to relax and remember who I am.

I am a professional intuitive. So what is intuition exactly?
The Cambridge English Dictionary defines Intuition as the ability to “acquire knowledge without recourse to conscious reasoning” and explains that “different fields use the word ‘intuition’ in very different ways, including but not limited to: direct access to unconscious knowledge; unconscious cognition; inner sensing; inner insight to unconscious pattern-recognition; and the ability to understand something instinctively, without any need for conscious reasoning.”
PSYCH-K® is one of my favorite tools to work with since I started my personal development in 1992.
I discovered it in 2008 through a friend, after I had used EFT for about four years. Shortly after I had received my first PSYCH-K® Balance, I started my training and did the whole curriculum in a jiffy, reaching the highest level possible without being an instructor.

A conversation with PSYCH-K® Facilitator Sabine Schuh Interviewed by Duccio Locati, PSYCH-K® instructor
EFT™ - Emotional Freedom Technique …
EFT™ was the first transformational tool that worked with physical issues, emotional blockages and our energy system that I ever came across. It was introduced to me in 2004 by a dear friend who later also brought PSYCH-K® to my attention.
What I didn’t know at that time is how sensitive I was to energy and how this new tool and approach would change the course of my life in ways that I could hardly imagine at that point in time.
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